Prizes and awards
2006 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 | 2018 | 2019 | 2021 | 2022
“AIAM” member
Persico Group is proud to be member of the Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan (AIAM).
“Italian excellence” at the G20 Summit
Persico Group the Persico69F was on display as an icon of Italian design and an ambassador of Made-in-Italy industrial products on the occasion of the G20 summit in Rome.
The Persico 69F - positioned outside the Palazzo dei Congressi - was in fact one of 41 industrial objects of design selected by ADI, the Italian Association for Industrial Design, and the Ministry of Culture to promote Italian excellence to the G20 countries and the press from all over the world accredited to attend the event.
Top Aviation Solution Company
Persico Group was named one of the Top Aviation Solution Companies 2021 by CIO Review, a leading technology magazine that is at the forefront of guiding enterprises through the continuously varying business environment with information about solutions and services.
Business Award for Innovation
In occasion of Connext 2021, Confindustria awarded the “Business Award for Innovation” to PERSICO GROUP for the AWARD category, as the Company has successfully invested in R&I. Persico also received the special mention for Industry 4.0.
"Confindustria has always recognized and promoted Research and Innovation as priority areas for intervention and this commitment has paid off. In fact, Italy is full of companies that manage to be international leaders by creating jobs and well-being "said Francesco De Santis, Vice President of Confindustria for Research and Development.
The Award, promoted by Confindustria, is the first in Europe to have adopted the parameters of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
ABB Value Provider
Persico Group was officially recognized as “ABB Value Provider”, an occasion to celebrate a reliable partner and a new start.
During 15 years of collaboration, the two companies have developed robotized solutions featuring advanced technology for the automotive industry and beyond.
Persico Group is focusing on automation and the deployment of robotics in its reference industries; therefore, following a period of joint operations and training, they have obtained the certification of ABB Value Provider, celebrated with an official ceremony at their headquarter in Nembro.
With this new achievement, Persico Group reaffirms its role of excellent partner in the automation business.
Persico Group scoops award for its “WHP” 2019 programme.
The Workplace Health Promotion programme flags up companies that encourage health and wellbeing.
The WHP programme – co-ordinated by the Bergamo Health   Safety Agency in partnership with Confindustria Bergamo (the local branch of the Federation of Italian Employers) – was launched in the province of Bergamo in 2011 and is this year marking its eighth anniversary.
WHP is a programme geared towards promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace, through the creation of a network of companies and partners that are constantly engaged in the implementation of best practices.
The award-winning companies include Persico SpA, and specifically its facilities on Via Camozzi, Via Marconi and Via Vasvecchio in Nembro.
Key supplier for “Ford Transit Composite Bulkhead”
Persico, key supplier for 1st prize-winning Ford Transit Composite Bulkhead.
Persico Automotive is the process, tool and line developer and supplier for the Ford Transit Composite Bulkhead, awarded 1st Prize for Product Innovation by Ford Motor Company.
The in-company award was presented in Detroit on 8 November 2017 by the head of Ford Body Engineering, and the ceremony was attended by all senior Ford management.
That year there was great competition for the award with 82 proposals worldwide –15 proposals coming from Ford of Europe.
Thus, the 1st prize award is a significant achievement for Persico and all other partners involved in the Bulkhead programme.
Faurecia “Technological Leadership Award”
Faurecia ”Technological Leadership Award” for Volvo door panel production.
Persico Automotive is the supplier of door panel manufacturing equipment for the Volvo S60 andV60 both for Europe and North America.
Faurecia has recently recognized this successful project with its 2018 Technological Leadership Award.
JEC Future of Composites in Transportation 2018 - Innovation Awards Sustainability
Bcomp Ltd wins ”JEC Future of Composites in Transportation 2018 - Innovation Awards Sustainability” together with Persico Automotive.
Lightweighting is essential for a mobility sector adapting to both regulatory pressure and customer demands. With Bcomp’s proprietary powerRibs® natural fibre reinforcement technology, automotive interior parts can be made up to 40% lighter with maintained stiffness.
To make the technology available to large-scale automotive, Bcomp partnered with the tooling expert Persico Automotive.
The result is a highly efficient one-step process that not only cuts weight, but also cuts costs, and reduces waste and eco footprint.
“Most innovative solution” award
ABB premia il Gruppo Persico con il prestigioso riconoscimento “Most Innovative Solution“ consegnato da Per Vegard Nerseth, Group Senior Vice Presidente di ABB alla ABB Value Provider Conference.
Grazie all’installazione di più di 70 robots su linee di automazione per il settore automotive in tutto il mondo, Persico si conferma nuovamente all’avanguardia sui temi dell’innovazione tecnologica propri della quarta rivoluzione industriale che punta a migliorare le condizioni di lavoro e aumentare la produttività e la qualità degli impianti.
“ADI Golden Compass” award
The international jury of the “25th ADI Golden Compass Award“ gave prestigious Honourable Mention to the yacht Tango WallyCento#4 built at Persico Marine.
Established in 1954 by La Rinascente, the ADI Golden Compass Award is bestowed on the basis of a preselection made by the ADI Permanent Observatory of Design.
The recognition has created the largest historical design collection and in 2004 it was declared an "asset of national heritage" (Ministerial Decree [D.M.] 22.04.2004) by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The success of the WallyCento#4 Fuoriserie yacht is the fruit of a close collaboration of the best in the business: Italian boatyard Persico Marine, innovation leader Wally, naval architect Mark Mills and the Pininfarina Nautical division.
Velista dell’anno “Tag Heuer Innovation”
Marcello Persico riceve il premio “Tag Heuer Innovation” dalla rivista Velista dell’anno al VELA Festival di Santa Margherita.
“FCA Supplier Qualitas” award
Every year, FCA recognizes its best suppliers at the Supplier Qualitas Convention held at the Lingotto Conference Centre (Centro Congressi Lingotto) in Turin, Italy. An “FCA Supplier Qualitas 2016 award“ was presented to Persico Group.
PERSICO is a new supplier that developed the new EcoCover technology implemented on the Alfa Stelvio Instrument Panel.
Persico’s EcoCover technology consists of an innovative spray skin process involving the application of polyurethane coating to create high-quality imitation leather – ­the ideal material for the manufacture of interior parts, such as dashboards. The faux leather overcomes the traditional limitations of PVC (the material typically used for these applications), improves touch and feel, and ensures great versatility in the design and geometry of finished products.
FCA chose to invest in the innovative EcoCover technology, because it fully met the objectives of the carmaker’s design and development strategy for its new premium Alfa Romeo models. As pointed out by FCA during the Lingotto award ceremony, Persico Group provided total support to the Italian auto manufacturer, starting from the initial design phases of the Alfa Romeo parts, by delivering integrated transversal service to all the engineering departments involved.
Pierino Persico “Cavaliere del Lavoro”
L’imprenditore Pierino Persico, fondatore della Persico Spa, nella mattina di lunedì 14 novembre è stato ricevuto al Quirinale, e dalle mani del Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella ha ricevuto l’onorificenza di “Cavaliere dell’Ordine al merito del lavoro”.
“Brand Ambassador” for the Volvo XC90
Marcello Persico “Brand Ambassador“ for the new Volvo XC90.
Persico sede “Assemblea Confindustria Bergamo”
Il 13 ottobre allo stabilimento dell’azienda Persico in via Marconi 7 a Nembro, in provincia di Bergamo, si è tenuta l’assembla generale 2014 di Confindustria Bergamo, dal titolo “Scegliere di cambiare”.
L’incontro si è aperto con la premiazione del concorso Odysseus 2014, che ha visto in gara 63 progetti innovativi, fra cui sono stati proclamati 6 vincitori. Si è tenuta in seguito la relazione del presidente di Confindustria Bergamo Ercole Galizzi.
A seguire l’intervento del presidente del Consiglio dei ministri Matteo Renzi.
Ha preso poi il via la tavola rotonda, alla quale hanno preso parte il presidente di Confindustria Giorgio Squinzi, il vice-presidente di Confindustria per la ricerca e l’innovazione, nonché presidente di Expo 2015 spa, Diana Bracco, il rettore dell’Università di Bergamo e presidente CRUI Stefano Paleari.
Moderatore del dibattito il presidente di BergamoScienza Mario Salvi.
Premio “Rosa Camuna”
Premio “Rosa Camuna”.
Regione Lombardia.
Premio “Eccellenze al Lavoro”
Premio a Giuseppina Mazzoleni “Eccellenze al Lavoro”.
Premio “Eccellenze al Lavoro”
Premio a Carmelo Cortinovis “Eccellenze al Lavoro”.
Premio “Odysseus Navigare nelle Idee”
Finalisti al Premio “Odysseus Navigare nelle Idee”.
Promosso da “Confindustria Bergamo”.
Premio “Grant Thornton - Le Tigri”
Finalisti al Premio Grant Thornton “Le Tigri”.
Menzione “ Ricerca & Sviluppo”.
Premio “Personalità Benemerite per lo Sviluppo Economico Provinciale”
Riconoscimento a “Personalità Benemerite per lo Sviluppo Economico Provinciale”.
Promosso dalla C.C.I.A.A. di Bergamo.
Premio “Imprese per l’Innovazione”
Menzione speciale edizione 2010 del Premio “Imprese per l’Innovazione”.
Premio “Hall of Fame”
Menzione speciale edizione 2010 del Premio “Imprese per l’Innovazione”.
Premio “Innovazione Tecnologica”
Premio “Innovazione Tecnologica”.
Promosso dalla C.C.I.A.A. di Bergamo.
Premio “EY L’ Imprenditore dell’ anno”
Finalista al Premio “L’ Imprenditore dell’ anno”.
Promosso da Ernst & Young.